Fathers Building Futures is a social enterprise based in Albuquerque, NM. They are led by non-profit professionals as well as a team of formerly incarcerated parents who serve as mentors and supervisors to parents (mostly fathers) returning home from prison.
Our mission is “to ensure parents and families experiencing barriers from incarceration receive the best opportunities for stability — emotionally, socially, and financially.”
We believe that by giving the moms and dads who come through our program a true second chance, they can fulfill their potential and become role models for their children as well as productive members of our community.
Fathers Building Futures (FBF)is a member of The Atrisco Companies. The Atrisco Companies is a social enterprise that supports New Mexico communities through various nonprofit and community-focused organizations. To learn more about the Atrisco Companies go to www.atriscocompanies.com.