Fathers Building Futures started as a program of PB&J Family Services. Fathers Building Futures became it’s own 501(c)3 non-profit organization in 2017.

Joseph S.’ Story
Meet the Fathers: Joseph Shaw
In 2011, I was 30 years old sitting in the Metropolitan Detention Center, MDC. I was convicted on three felony counts of possession of a controlled substance. I had spent a year in MDC awaiting reinstatement into the drug court program. I knew I had to make some changes and fast.
I was struggling with multiple addictions and a lot of life decisions. I had to get sober and do well on drug court or I would be facing 8.5 years in prison (4.5 years for my charges and 4 years for being a habitual offender).
I was released from MDC under the condition that I complete 18 months of Drug court. I made a promise to myself that I was going to make the next 30 years count. During my year in MDC, I thought a lot about my son and I knew that I had to be a man in order to raise a man. When the time was right I wanted to be able to tell him “I’ve made a lot of mistakes and I come with a lot of baggage, but I will take care of you and be the best man and father I can be”.
I wanted to be able to make sure that my actions could match my words. I took the opportunity to join the Responsible Fatherhood Program that was being offered through PB&J Family Services.
Joseph M.’S Story
Meet The Fathers: Joseph Martinez
I am a father of two who has served 3 years for federal convictions. I struggled daily and wanted to change my lifestyle but couldn’t find the means to get help.
In my family we all started having kids very young. I was barely fifteen when I had my son. I was in ninth grade and we rented a house, I was going to school and was trying to be a father and an adult. I grew up right away, trying to be a good role model and responsible person.
But then I started doing drugs at 17 and my life started to spiral out of control. For about eight years, I would get into a pattern doing good, and then falling back into my addictions. After I was arrested in Texas, I was afraid that I was going to be looking at serving 30-40 years.
I was transferred from all over Texas, and then moved Maryland’s prison system before finally landing in New Mexico. I had lost my family’s trust, and none of them wanted to help me anymore. I was greedy and doing what I could to make money for my own needs. I came first and they had enough of it. I had enough of it.
Richard’s Story
Meet the Fathers: Richard
Richard Webb has been with Fathers Building Futures since 2014. Richard has had his ups and downs for many years. It wasn’t until FBF came along where Richard felt a sense of community, and purpose. He has worked his way up to being our Master Craftmans and he is truly an amazing trainer. All of the FBF clients feel Richard is a true mentor to them as individuals and their future. All of the clients continue to have a relationship with him after graduation.
FBF is truly lucky and honored to have Richard be part of its family…

Kevin's Story
Meet the Fathers: Kevin
Kevin is a successful homeowner and father of two, whose path to responsibility and took a few detours. He was in high school when his mother passed away and he ended up in the guardianship of his brother. His brother is a good person but enjoyed the “party” lifestyle.
Despite the good intentions of his brother, the lack of parental supervision created a vacuum in Kevin’s life for role-models and discipline. Kevin lived in a house that had a party-like atmosphere, which provided Kevin with several bad influences. The lifestyle eventually led Kevin to drug abuse and in 2005, he was arrested on federal charges for possession of crack-cocaine and a firearm.
He was released in 2008 and did three years of federal probation. He stayed clean and had his first son during this time.
Robert G.'s Story
Meet the Fathers: Robert G.
Robert Gilbert is a proud single father of 4 children who grew up in the South Valley and Westside of Albuquerque.
As a young man he aspired to make a career in the military with recommendations to West Point. He was on track to earn an MBA by age 23. However, he was soon introduced to street drugs and was hooked instantly. He spent a good 5 years off and on using and chose to end his education after receiving an associate degree and chose a life of crime and drug use instead.